Class Schedule - Youth

  DA - Darlington Adventure
Time: 7:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Darlington Adventure Youth (Y)
Minimum Age: 14
Seats Available: 11

A.1.1 - Swimming   A.1.1 - Swimming (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 7

Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills
A.1.3 - Small-Boat Sailing   A.1.3 - Small-Boat Sailing (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 13

Sailing is one of the most enjoyable pastimes on the open water. The quiet and peacefulness of the water can provide a pleasant break from everyday life. However, smooth sailing requires paying careful attention to safety.
A.1.4 - Canoeing   A.1.4 - Canoeing (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 4

For several centuries, the canoe was a primary method of travel for explorers and settlers. Today, it remains an important part of the wilderness experience and an enjoyable leisure activity that teaches communication, teamwork, and physical fitness.
A.a2 - Lifesaving   A.a2 - Lifesaving (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

No Boy Scout will ignore a plea for help. However, the desire to help is of little use unless one knows how to give the proper aid. The main purpose of the Lifesaving merit badge is to prepare Scouts to assist those involved in water accidents, teaching them the basic knowledge of rescue techniques, the skills to perform them, and the judgment to know when and how to act so that they can be prepared for emergencies.
A.a8 - BSA Lifeguard   A.a8 - BSA Lifeguard
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y), Adult (Full Week) (A)
Minimum Age: 14
Seats Available: 9

The primary purpose of the BSA Lifeguard training program is to provide professional lifeguards for BSA operated facilities, council aquatics committees, and year-round aquatics programming. In addition, this training is intended to meet the requirements of government agencies for operations at a regulated swimming venue.
E.1.1 - Environmental Science   E.1.1 - Environmental Science (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.
E.1.2 - Mammal Study   E.1.2 - Mammal Study (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 10

A mammal may weigh as little as 1/12 ounce, as do some shrews, or as much as 150 tons, like the blue whale. It may spring, waddle, swim, or even fly. But if it has milk for its young, has hair of some kind, is relatively intelligent, and has warm blood, then it is a mammal.
E.1.5 - Fishing   E.1.5 - Fishing (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish.
E.1.8 - Weather   E.1.8 - Weather (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 8

Meteorology is the study of Earth's atmosphere and its weather and the ways in which temperature, wind, and moisture act together in the environment. In addition to learning how everyday weather is predicted, Scouts can learn about extreme weather such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes, and how to stay safe.
H.1.1 - Woodcarving   H.1.1 - Woodcarving (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $6.00
Seats Available: 1 On Waiting List

As with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.
H.1.4 - Photography   H.1.4 - Photography (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 16

Beyond capturing family memories, photography offers a chance to be creative. Many photographers use photography to express their creativity, using lighting, composition, depth, color, and content to make their photographs into more than snapshots. Good photographs tell us about a person, a news event, a product, a place, a scientific breakthrough, an endangered animal, or a time in history.
H.1.8 - Chess   H.1.8 - Chess (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

The USCF (United States Chess Federation) provided the primary contributing writers for the Merit Badge pamphlet. They will be helping to promote the badge through communications with the Chess delegate teams (similar to BSA’s National Committees and Boards) and e-mail blasts, plus website and “tournament news” announcements.
Sc.1.3 - First Aid   Sc.1.3 - First Aid (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

First aid — caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care — is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.
Sc.1.4 - Pioneering   Sc.1.4 - Pioneering (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 8

Pioneering—the knowledge of ropes, knots, and splices along with the ability to build rustic structures by lashing together poles and spars—is among the oldest of Scouting's skills. Practicing rope use and completing projects with lashings also allow Scouts to connect with past generations, ancestors who used many of these skills as they sailed the open seas and lived in America's forests and prairies.
Sc.1.5 - Wilderness Survival   Sc.1.5 - Wilderness Survival (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 2

In their outdoor activities, Scouts learn to bring the clothing and gear they need, to make good plans, and do their best to manage any risks. But now and then, something unexpected happens. When things go wrong, the skills of wilderness survival can help make everything right again.
Ss.1.1 - Archery   Ss.1.1 - Archery (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 5

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.
Ss.a.2 - Rifle Shooting   Ss.a.2 - Rifle Shooting (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Amount: $12.00
Seats Available: 1

Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.
T.1.4 - Robotics   T.1.4 - Robotics (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 13

Earning the Robotics merit badge requires a Scout to understand how robots move (actuators), sense the environment (sensors), and understand what to do (programming); he should demonstrate robot design in building a robot. You should help ensure that the Scout has sufficiently explored the field of robotics to understand what it is about, and to discover whether this may be a field of interest for him as a career.
T.1.5 - Space Exploration   T.1.5 - Space Exploration (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $16.00
Seats Available: 10

Space is mysterious. We explore space for many reasons, not least because we don't know what is out there, it is vast, and humans are full of curiosity. Each time we send explorers into space, we learn something we didn't know before. We discover a little more of what is there.
T.2.1 - Digital Technology   T.2.1 - Digital Technology (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 14

Technology has come a long way since Computers merit badge was first introduced in 1967. This badge will teach Scouts about technology in the digital age.
H.1.2 - Leatherwork   H.1.2 - Leatherwork (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 2 On Waiting List

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather's history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.
H.1.3 - Fingerprinting   H.1.3 - Fingerprinting (MB)
Time: 9:00AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 12

In earning the Fingerprinting merit badge, Scouts will learn about and use an important technique that is used by law enforcement officers, along with other materials like matching dental records and DNA sampling, to help identify amnesia victims, missing persons, abducted children, and others.
A.2.1 - Swimming   A.2.1 - Swimming (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 5

Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills
A.2.3 - Small-Boat Sailing   A.2.3 - Small-Boat Sailing (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 7

Sailing is one of the most enjoyable pastimes on the open water. The quiet and peacefulness of the water can provide a pleasant break from everyday life. However, smooth sailing requires paying careful attention to safety.
A.2.5 - Rowing   A.2.5 - Rowing (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 11

Rowing is the use of oars as a means of propelling boats, has grown from a basic method of transportation to a competitive sport and an enjoyable method of exercising.
E.2.1 - Environmental Science   E.2.1 - Environmental Science (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.
E.2.4 - Nature   E.2.4 - Nature (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 15

There is a very close connection between the soil, the plants, and all animal life, including people. Understanding this connection, and the impact we have upon it, is important to preserving the wilderness, as well as to our own well-being as members of the web of nature.
E.2.5 - Fishing   E.2.5 - Fishing (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 1

Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish.
  FY - Buckskin Camper (First Year) Program / Swimming
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 2

H.2.4 - Photography   H.2.4 - Photography (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 12

Beyond capturing family memories, photography offers a chance to be creative. Many photographers use photography to express their creativity, using lighting, composition, depth, color, and content to make their photographs into more than snapshots. Good photographs tell us about a person, a news event, a product, a place, a scientific breakthrough, an endangered animal, or a time in history.
H.2.6 - Art   H.2.6 - Art (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 11

This merit badge concentrates on two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting in various media, including an introduction to design applications in the fields of graphic arts and industrial design, history and design principles, and how these fields relate to fine art.
H.2.7 - Sculpture   H.2.7 - Sculpture (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 16

This merit badge introduces Scouts to sculpture, an art form that allows an artist to express what he sees and feels by using these three dimensions by shaping materials such as clay, stone, metal, and wood.
Ha.2.1 - Climbing   Ha.2.1 - Climbing (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors.
Sc.2.1 - Camping   Sc.2.1 - Camping (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 12

Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life's other challenges, too.
Sc.2.6 - Orienteering   Sc.2.6 - Orienteering (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 13

Orienteering, the use of map and compass to find locations and plan a journey, has been a vital skill for humans for thousands of years. Orienteering is also a recognized sport at the Olympic Games, and thousands of people participate in the sport each year in local clubs and competitions.
Sc.2.7 - Signs, Signals & Codes   Sc.2.7 - Signs, Signals & Codes (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 19

The requirements of the Signs, Signals, and Codes merit badge will not only introduce Scouts to important skills that can be used throughout their Scouting career and throughout their lives, but will give your scouts the best opportunity to learn about non-verbal communication.
Sc21 - Camping   Sc21 - Camping (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 16

Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life's other challenges, too.
Ss.2.1 - Archery   Ss.2.1 - Archery (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 3

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.
T.2.1 - Communication   T.2.1 - Communication (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 4

This clear and concise definition comes from the U.S. Department of Education: "Communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The field of communication promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication.
T.2.6 - Electricity   T.2.6 - Electricity (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 15

Electricity is a powerful and fascinating force of nature. As early as 600 BC, observers of the physical world suspected that electricity existed but did not have a name for it. In fact, real progress in unraveling the mystery of electricity has come only within the last 250 years.
T.2.7 - Engineering   T.2.7 - Engineering (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 4

Engineers use both science and technology to turn ideas into reality, devising all sorts of things, ranging from a tiny, low-cost battery for your cell phone to a gigantic dam across the mighty Yangtze River in China.
T.2.8 - Radio   T.2.8 - Radio (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 17

Radio is a way to send information, or communications, from one place to another. Broadcasting includes both one-way radio (a person hears the information but can't reply) as well as two-way radio (where the same person can both receive and send messages).
H.2.3 - Fingerprinting   H.2.3 - Fingerprinting (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 13

In earning the Fingerprinting merit badge, Scouts will learn about and use an important technique that is used by law enforcement officers, along with other materials like matching dental records and DNA sampling, to help identify amnesia victims, missing persons, abducted children, and others.
H.2.5 - Basketry   H.2.5 - Basketry (MB)
Time: 10:15AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $20.00
Seats Available: 10

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day's fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.
Ss.b.3 - Shotgun Shooting   Ss.b.3 - Shotgun Shooting (MB)
Time: 11:00AM
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 14
Amount: $25.00
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

A shotgun is a precision instrument, designed to shoot a shot charge in a specific pattern to cover a designated area at a certain distance. Unlike a rifle, the bore of the shotgun is not rifled, so the shot emerging from the muzzle is not spinning.
A.b2 - Lifesaving   A.b2 - Lifesaving (MB)
Time: 11:00AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 3

No Boy Scout will ignore a plea for help. However, the desire to help is of little use unless one knows how to give the proper aid. The main purpose of the Lifesaving merit badge is to prepare Scouts to assist those involved in water accidents, teaching them the basic knowledge of rescue techniques, the skills to perform them, and the judgment to know when and how to act so that they can be prepared for emergencies.
A34 - Canoeing   A34 - Canoeing (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 10

For several centuries, the canoe was a primary method of travel for explorers and settlers. Today, it remains an important part of the wilderness experience and an enjoyable leisure activity that teaches communication, teamwork, and physical fitness.
E.3.9 - Plant Science   E.3.9 - Plant Science (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 17

Plant scientists use their curiosity and knowledge to develop questions about the world of plants. Then they try to answer those questions with further observations and experiments in the laboratory and in the field. To earn this merit badge, Scouts will explore three of the most important plant science specialties: agronomy, horticulture, and field botany.
E31 - Environmental Science   E31 - Environmental Science (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 6

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.
E36 - Soil & Water Conservation   E36 - Soil & Water Conservation (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 17

Conservation isn't just the responsibility of soil and plant scientists, hydrologists, wildlife managers, landowners, and the forest or mine owner alone. It is the duty of every person to learn more about the natural resources on which our lives depend so that we can help make sure that these resources are used intelligently and cared for properly.
H.3.1 - Woodcarving   H.3.1 - Woodcarving (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $6.00
Seats Available: 3

As with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.
H.3.6 - Art   H.3.6 - Art (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 18

This merit badge concentrates on two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting in various media, including an introduction to design applications in the fields of graphic arts and industrial design, history and design principles, and how these fields relate to fine art.
H38 - Chess   H38 - Chess (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

The USCF (United States Chess Federation) provided the primary contributing writers for the Merit Badge pamphlet. They will be helping to promote the badge through communications with the Chess delegate teams (similar to BSA’s National Committees and Boards) and e-mail blasts, plus website and “tournament news” announcements.
Sc.3.2 - Emergency Prepardness   Sc.3.2 - Emergency Prepardness (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

Scouts are often called upon to help because they know first aid and they know about the discipline and planning needed to react to an emergency situation. Earning this merit badge helps a Scout to be prepared by learning the actions that can be helpful and needed before, during, and after an emergency.
Sc.3.3 - First Aid   Sc.3.3 - First Aid (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 2 On Waiting List

First aid — caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care — is an important skill for every Scout. With some knowledge of first aid, a Scout can provide immediate care and help to someone who is hurt or who becomes ill. First aid can help prevent infection and serious loss of blood. It could even save a limb or a life.
Sc.3.8 - Fire Safety   Sc.3.8 - Fire Safety (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 8

The ability to use fire safely is essential to human survival. By earning this merit badge, Scouts will learn to uses fire safely and responsibly, how to prevent home fires, and how to handle fire safely, as well as burn prevention, and camping safety.
Ss.3.1 - Archery   Ss.3.1 - Archery (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 1

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.
T.3.1 - Communication   T.3.1 - Communication (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 5

This clear and concise definition comes from the U.S. Department of Education: "Communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The field of communication promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication.
T.3.10 - Programming   T.3.10 - Programming (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 6

T.3.5 - Space Exploration   T.3.5 - Space Exploration (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $16.00
Seats Available: 5

Space is mysterious. We explore space for many reasons, not least because we don't know what is out there, it is vast, and humans are full of curiosity. Each time we send explorers into space, we learn something we didn't know before. We discover a little more of what is there.
T.3.9 - Nuclear Science   T.3.9 - Nuclear Science (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 9

Nuclear science gives us a simple explanation of the natural world. The ultimate goal of nuclear science is to find out if there is one fundamental rule that explains how matter and forces interact. Earning the Nuclear Science merit badge is a chance for Scouts to learn about this exciting field at the cutting edge of science today.
H.3.2 - Leatherwork   H.3.2 - Leatherwork (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 7

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather's history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.
H.3.5 - Basketry   H.3.5 - Basketry (MB)
Time: 11:30AM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $20.00
Seats Available: 17

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day's fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.
H.4.2 - Leatherwork   H.4.2 - Leatherwork (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 19

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather's history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.
A.4.6 - Kayaking   A.4.6 - Kayaking (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 2 On Waiting List

A41 - Swimming   A41 - Swimming (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 1

Swimming is a leisure activity, a competitive sport, and a basic survival skill. Scouts who earn this badge will learn about safety when swimming and diving, how swimming can contribute to overall fitness and health, and gain some basic competitive swimming skills
E.4.5 - Fishing   E.4.5 - Fishing (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 14

Every Scout ought to be able to fish in order to get food for himself. A tenderfoot [beginner] who starved on the bank of a river full of fish would look very silly, yet it might happen to one who had never learned to catch fish.
E41 - Environmental Science   E41 - Environmental Science (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 14

While earning the Environmental Science merit badge, Scouts will get a taste of what it is like to be an environmental scientist, making observations and carrying out experiments to investigate the natural world.
E43 - Astronomy   E43 - Astronomy (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 3

In learning about astronomy, Scouts study how activities in space affect our own planet and bear witness to the wonders of the night sky: the nebulae, or giant clouds of gas and dust where new stars are born; old stars dying and exploding; meteor showers and shooting stars; the moon, planets, and a dazzling array of stars.
E47 - Forestry   E47 - Forestry (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 16

In working through the Forestry merit badge requirements, Scouts will explore the remarkable complexity of a forest and identify many species of trees and plants and the roles they play in a forest's life cycle.They will also discover some of the resources forests provide to humans and come to understand that people have a very large part to play in sustaining the health of forests.
H.4.1 - Woodcarving   H.4.1 - Woodcarving (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $6.00
Seats Available: Unlimited

As with any art, wood carving involves learning the basics of design, along with material selection and tools and techniques, as well as wood-carving safety. The requirements of the Wood Carving merit badge introduce Scouts to an enjoyable hobby and that can become a lifetime activity.
H.4.4 - Photography   H.4.4 - Photography (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: Unlimited

Beyond capturing family memories, photography offers a chance to be creative. Many photographers use photography to express their creativity, using lighting, composition, depth, color, and content to make their photographs into more than snapshots. Good photographs tell us about a person, a news event, a product, a place, a scientific breakthrough, an endangered animal, or a time in history.
H.4.6 - Art   H.4.6 - Art (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 14

This merit badge concentrates on two-dimensional art, specifically drawing and painting in various media, including an introduction to design applications in the fields of graphic arts and industrial design, history and design principles, and how these fields relate to fine art.
H.4.b - Basketry   H.4.b - Basketry (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, W
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 8

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day's fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.
  HRL - Ham Radio Experience
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Adult (Full Week) (A)
Seats Available: 16

Sc.4.1 - Camping   Sc.4.1 - Camping (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

Camping is one of the best-known methods of the Scouting movement. When he founded the Scouting movement in the early 1900s, Robert Baden-Powell encouraged every Scout to learn the art of living out-of-doors. He believed a young person able to take care of himself while camping would have the confidence to meet life's other challenges, too.
Sc.4.2 - Emergency Prepardness   Sc.4.2 - Emergency Prepardness (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 7

Scouts are often called upon to help because they know first aid and they know about the discipline and planning needed to react to an emergency situation. Earning this merit badge helps a Scout to be prepared by learning the actions that can be helpful and needed before, during, and after an emergency.
Sc.4.9 - Search & Rescue   Sc.4.9 - Search & Rescue (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 6

Ss.4.1 - Archery   Ss.4.1 - Archery (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 13

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This merit badge can provide a thorough introduction to those who are new to the bow and arrow—but even for the experienced archer, earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of archery.
SS.c.2 - Rifle Shooting   SS.c.2 - Rifle Shooting (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Amount: $12.00
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

Unless a rifle is handled incorrectly or recklessly, it is not dangerous. A rifle, like any other precision instrument, is manufactured to perform a specific task and can do so at no risk to the user or others. By earning this badge, Scouts can develop their shooting skills while learning safe practices.
T.4.1 - Communication   T.4.1 - Communication (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Minimum Age: 12
Seats Available: 4

This clear and concise definition comes from the U.S. Department of Education: "Communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. The field of communication promotes the effective and ethical practice of human communication.
T.4.11 - Energy   T.4.11 - Energy (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 14

Saving, producing, and using energy wisely will be critical to America's future. If we are to leave future generations with a world in which they can live as well or better than we have, Scouts and other potential leaders of tomorrow must begin the hard work of understanding energy and the vital role it will play in the future.
T.4.3 - Animation   T.4.3 - Animation (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH, F
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 10

Computer or traditional animation tasks that will test a Scout’s creativity, artistic skills, and storytelling abilities.
T.4.4 - Robotics   T.4.4 - Robotics (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: M, TU, W, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 2

Earning the Robotics merit badge requires a Scout to understand how robots move (actuators), sense the environment (sensors), and understand what to do (programming); he should demonstrate robot design in building a robot. You should help ensure that the Scout has sufficiently explored the field of robotics to understand what it is about, and to discover whether this may be a field of interest for him as a career.
A.4.7 - Stand Up Paddleboard   A.4.7 - Stand Up Paddleboard
Time: 2:30PM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 0 On Waiting List

H.4.2 - Leatherwork   H.4.2 - Leatherwork (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $10.00
Seats Available: 11

Scouts who complete the requirements to earn the Leatherwork merit badge will explore leather's history and its endless uses. They will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that our ancestors used; be challenged to master skills like hand-stitching, lacing, and braiding.; and learn how to preserve and protect leather items so they will last a lifetime and beyond.
H.4.3 - Fingerprinting   H.4.3 - Fingerprinting (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Seats Available: 12

In earning the Fingerprinting merit badge, Scouts will learn about and use an important technique that is used by law enforcement officers, along with other materials like matching dental records and DNA sampling, to help identify amnesia victims, missing persons, abducted children, and others.
H.4.5 - Basketry   H.4.5 - Basketry (MB)
Time: 2:30PM
Days: TU, TH
Available To: Normal Program Youth (Y), Weeklong Day Program (Y)
Amount: $20.00
Seats Available: 14

Basketry is a handy skill for a Scout. A basket can be a sturdy companion on campouts, carrying clothes snugly and efficiently, holding potatoes and corn for roasting over a campfire, or carrying the day's fishing catch back to camp for dinner. Baskets and basket-weaving projects also make great gifts for family and friends.