Friends of Scouting

Friends of Scouting is our Scouting annual financial support campaign. The council’s operation, including upkeep and maintenance of our camping properties, registrations and record keeping services, and our field staff, are all funded through private contributions received through the Friends of Scouting Campaign.

The cost of delivering the full Scouting program for one Scout is $500. Monmouth Council receives no government funding and no United Way Community Care dollars. 100% of Scouts’ and leaders’ registration fees are transmitted to the national council of the Boy Scouts or used directly to pay insurance costs.

Some employers offer “Volunteer Involvement Program”(V.I.P.) grants, whereby monetary donations are made to the organizations for which their employees volunteer.  It is not a requirement for one to be a registered leader to qualify as a Scouting volunteer.  Time spent attending meetings, making phone calls, preparing snacks, driving to and from meetings and activities -- essentially any act of volunteerism – qualifies an employee to receive a monetary grant through their company’s V.I.P.  The grant process must be initiated by the employee and can be done by contacting the company’s Human Resources department.


Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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You can also multiply your contribution by applying for matching gifts from your place of employment. Please enter your company name in the DoubletheDonation box found on our page.

Community Friends of Scouting gives our local business community the opportunity to show their support for the Scouting program.  Through a number of programs local business and the non-Scouting public can provide much needed financial support to the Monmouth Council.

The most popular way for local businesses to support Monmouth Council is through our annual Sponsorship Campaign.  This campaign gives local businesses an opportunity to show their support of Scouting in a number of ways.  Businesses can secure space in an upcoming Scouting Trail newsletter, have a listing in our council E-News.

To request a Friends of Scouting presentation for your unit, contact your District Executive.

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