Webelos Woods

Webelos Woods is ready for our Bears, Webelos, and Arrow of Light Scouts to have an adventure in the spring. This May at Quail Hill Scout Reservation, they will explore Scouting Skills, get to know members of a partnering Troop and enjoy a day of fun.

This event bridges the skills and knowledge between Cub Scouts, and Scouts BSA. Here Webelos and Bears will have the opportunity to learn and then demonstrate existing and new scout skills. This year troops will be demonstrating and showing off the skills that they have been working on all year, and engaging with the Cub Scouts to promote an enjoyable learning environment. Along with these troop demonstrations Webelos Woods will also feature various activities and scavenger hunts where packs and dens will have the opportunity to compete, all coming to a conclusion during a campfire Saturday evening. Check In for the event starts at 9:15AM.


Mark your Calendar for March 29th-30th, 2025 for our next Webelos Woods Adventure!

Troop Volunteer and Staff Registration:

Volunteers Click Here to Register