Campership Fund
The Monmouth Council Campership Fund was established to assist families in financial need with the ability to request grants to help send scouts to FSR & QHSR Summer Camp. This fund is administered by a volunteer committee that makes awards based on the available fund and reviews applications submitted by scout families.
For every young person who is a Scout and for every young person who wants to be a Scout, we ask for your continued support. Summer camp is the unique highlight of the Scouting experience. The reality is for many of the kids and families who participate in Scouting, the cost of summer camp is beyond the family budget. With your thoughtful support, our volunteers and staff can ensure that every Scout, regardless of family situation or economic circumstance, is able to attend camp with their fellow Troop members. Each Scout Troop's attendance at summer camp will prevent idle video game time with purposeful, structured friends and activities that are memorable and constructive. Our Scouts challenge themselves with new experiences earning badges and making new friends. Scouting teaches many life skills. Two that we take particular pride in are teaching young people to be trustworthy and to believe in themselves. The outdoor laboratory and adventure of Scout camp will create future leaders who will make the world a better place.
We are accepting gifts until June 15th. Summer Camps start July 5th at Quail Hill and July 10th at Forestburg.
To request an application please contact