Show & Sell 101
Show and Sell 101, includes:* Ways to Secure A Store Front * Scripts / letters that can be used when approaching a store manager * A Thank You Certificate you can leave with the store, confirming date(s) * A list of Suggested Locations * Displaying and Selling Techniques * Return Policy and Procedure |
Suggested Show and Sell Order open* After opened, please go to File and Download as an Excel file. This is an Excel Spreadsheet that you can use to plan your order. The quantitites suggested have been reviewed by leaders that are experienced in Show and Sell sales. They can serve as a guide for you. |
Show and Sell Projection Tool open* After opened, please go to File and Download as an Excel file.You can use this spreadsheet to Project your order, using your sales from 2023 and your projection for 2024. |
For your Show and Sell display* Attractive, Colorful, Eye Catching - Popcorn Product Descriptions |