Cubtoberfest Registration FAQ
Hi there,
To sign up for Cubtoberfest, please follow these steps. Each step is hyperlinked to the Tentaroo User Manual.
- Click on EVENTS
- Scroll down to the EVENT TYPE. In this case click on Cubtoberfest.
- Click on the current year's event
- Click on the Green REGISTER FOR EVENT
- On the Register Participant Screen, click the name of the first participant attending.
- Please fill out Unit Type / Unit Number / Council / District if you did not do so in step #2 above. Click NEXT
- Click on the correct participant type. Click NEXT
- If you are done adding people to the event, click CHECKOUT. If not, click ADD PARTICIPANT and follow steps 8 through 11 until finished.
- Fill out payment information and click PLACE ORDER.
- You will get an email receipt confirming the registration.