MS Merit Badge Fair

Thank you to all scouts that attended, parents that transported, counselors that taught and the staff. We could not have done it without you. We hope to see you at our 2024 event! New Date coming soon!
Open to all Monmouth Council Scouts BSA / Venturers / Sea Scouts
Walk-ins will be allowed. Bring cash or check - Made payable to Monmouth Council for $35. This will allow you into the fair for the day.
Key Registration Reminders
Merit Badge Blue Cards
- Before a Scout can start a Merit Badge, the Scout must verify with your Scoutmaster or Unit Leader who signs the blue cards that you can start a Merit Badge. As it is stated at the front of the blue card: "I have discussed this merit badge with this scout and recommended at least one merit badge counselor."
- If your Unit is allowing them to sign up for a "Merit Badge Fair", that would indicate their approval.
- The Scout needs to have a Merit Badge blue card signed by their Scoutmaster showing they have permission to take the class at our Merit Badge Fair.
Merit Badge Class Wait List & Refund Policy
- The MS Merit Badge Fair opens its annual registration, so we recognize that some of our class offerings are in wait list status.
- When you go to sign up your scout for the event, it will show you the entire course catalog. Due to the popularity of the event, some of our classes are in wait list status.
- If a class is in a Wait List, you will see the current number of Scouts ahead of you for the class. As seats open up by other scouts dropping the class, each scout moved from the wait list will be emailed (and the rest will move up a seat)
- As you are registering today, by adding a Wait List class to your Scout's schedule, you understand the risk and possibility that your scout may not get into that class.
- If there is a point in time that your Scout no longer wants to wait for the wait-listed class, please go into your account and cancel the class or your event registration.
- Refund Policy: As long as you cancel your entire registration before 12/1/2023, you will get a full credit posted back to your Tentaroo account. No cash refunds will be issued.
- To cancel your registration after December 1, note: no credit/refunds will be issued, please contact the Event Chairs to request the manual removal from the event.
Did you read the Event FAQ?
- The Event FAQ explains most of the frequently asked questions we have fielded over the years of doing this event.
What are Merit Badge Prerequisites?
- Almost every Merit Badge has Prerequisites.
- They are like "home-work" before the Fair.
- These are requirements that the Scout needs to complete before the Merit Badge Fair to earn the badge while at the Merit Badge Fair.
What Do I Need to Bring to the Day of the Merit Badge Fair?
- You should be wearing your Class A Uniform / Official Scout Uniform
- You should have the Merit Badge Panphlet and a Signed Blue Card for each of your Classes with you
- You need a copy of your Merit Badge Schedule printed out from our registration website. This will tell you what classroom you should report to.
- If you have completed any of the prerequisites for your classes, bring those with you as well.
What are the Class Schedule / Time Blocks?
Time Block | Class Time Period |
1,2 | 8:30 am - 10:30 am |
1,2,3 | 8:30 am - 11:30 pm |
1,2,3,4 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm |
2,3 | 9:30 am - 11:30 pm |
3,4 | 10:30 am - 12:30 pm |
5,6 | 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
5,6,7 | 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
5,6,7,8 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
6,7 | 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
7,8 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Note: Classes are subject to change without notice. See Tentaroo for current class list and class availability.
What do I do when I finish registering?
- Print a copy of your course schedule
- Get a copy of the current merit badge book for each class
- Start working on your prerequisites !