MS Merit Badge Fair Registration FAQ
How Do I Register for the Merit Badge Fair?
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Create a Tentaroo Account
Sign Up for Merit Badge Fair
Pick Classes
Change Classes
Account Creation
The Event Registration and Class Registrations are done through Tentaroo. You would need to log into your Tentaroo Account.
1. To log in, you can click on the Red Button at the Bottom of this page or Click the Login on the top of the page.
2. If you are NEW to Tentaroo, you will need to create an account. Please click the buttons below to get through New Account Creation Steps.
1. Click on CREATE ACCOUNT which will open a new tab on your browser.
2. It will bring you to the following screen.Select the MS Merit Badge Fair in the dropdown and fill out the Requested Information to Create a New Account.
3. After creating the new account, please check your email for a confirmation. Follow the instructions on that email to complete your registration
You will need to fill our your Account Profile to expedite the Registration Process
1. Click on MANAGE MY GROUP on the top right of the Screen.
2. This will load your current profile or individuals registered to your account. If you are just starting out, it will be blank.
3. Click on the + sign to add each YOUTH and ADULT to your account, one at a time. Scroll down to Complete to save the entry.
If already have a Tentaroo Account, please click on MS Merit Badge Fair on the left hand side of the main screen.
Sign Up for Merit Badge Fair
If already have a Tentaroo Account, log into your Tentaroo Account.
On the Left of the Home Page, click on EVENTS. All activities within Tentaroo are called events.
Click on the event MS Merit Badge Fair found in the list of current events.
This will load the main EVENT page. Click on the 2022 Merit Badge Fair.
This will load the main EVENT DESCRIPTION page. Click on the REGISTER TODAY button to continue.
Click on the name of the Youth from your Group that you are trying to register. If this screen is blank, it means you have no youth loaded into your group. Click on their namand then the 2022 MS Merit Badge Fair. If the event does not show in the list, it means that registration has not yet opened, or we are at capacity. Once at event capacity, we would be unable to waitlist additional scouts.
This will show you to the Youth's name in Orange. Confirm or fill out the missing information, and click NEXT on the bottom of this window.
This will show you the event cost. Click NEXT on the bottom of this window to continue.
You are now at the Class Selection Screen. It will give you the start time for each class and the option to either Add Class or Join Waitlist for classes that are currently full. As you ADD classes, you will see them appear on the right hand side of the screen. Click NEXT to continue.
Click COMPLETE to finalize your registration request. This will bring you to the main event page. Click CHECKOUT to make required payment to confirm your registration at the Merit Badge Fair.
Following your payment, you will get an email confirmation for the event and the classes you have signed up for.
Choose Merit Badge Classes for Fair
As this is a Merit Badge Fair, all of the scheduling is done online. As you are looking at ADDING CLASSES, we want to take a minute to explain what all of the information you are looking at
Here is the example of 1 Class that may be available to take.
Key Points:
- Class Name: Name of the Merit Badge
- Class Time: This is the starting time of the Merit Badge. Most of our classes are at leasy 2 hours long
- Class Block: This tells you how many hours the class is. For each number you see here, it's another hour long. For example, this class is 2 hours long.
- Seats Available: This is how many seats are left. Once the class fills to capacity, the class will offer a wait-list option. We can not guarantee that a wailisted Scout will get into a class. Our instrtuctors are all at max capacity for their courses where they can accomplish the material with Scouts in their class. Please do not ask for any accomodations on addting +1 to a class.
- Eagle Required Merit Badges : Scouts must be at least 11 years old at time of registration. All other merit badges are open to all Scouts 10 years of age and up.
Time Block | Class Time Period |
1,2 | 8:30 am - 10:15 am |
1,2,3 | 8:30 am - 11:15 pm |
1,2,3,4 | 8:30 am - 12:15 pm |
2,3 | 9:30 am - 11:15 pm |
3,4 | 10:30 am - 12:15 pm |
5,6 | 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm |
5,6,7 | 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm |
5,6,7,8 | 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm |
6,7 | 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm |
7,8 | 3:00 pm - 4:45 pm |
Note: Due to the high demand for some of these classes, we would recommend paying for one Scout at a time. Your spot or spots are not saved until you have made payment.
Change Classes After Signing Up
If you need to change / add / drop a class after you have made payment, please log back into your Tentaroo account. Click on EVENTS and then MERIT BADGE FAIR.
Click on the Name of the Youth's Schedule you want to change.
Click on MANAGE REGISTRATION. Edit Registration will allow you to change/add classes. Cancel Registration will walk you through dropping from the event.
Click on NEXT twice to get to the Classes Screen.
To DROP a class, Click the REMOVE on the Added Classes on the right hand side. To ADD a class, folow the steps listed as part of the inital sign-up on how to add a class.
Click NEXT then COMPLETE when you are done making changes.
IMPORTANT You need to CHECKOUT to send us the requested changes. Please follow the CHECKOUT menus to complete. You will get an email confirmation once completed,