NESA Chapter

The Monmouth Council NESA Chapter is working to become a more social and fraternal organization. The ultimate goal of this group is to reconnect formerly active Scouts and Scouters with the current day program.


NESA Committee

NESA Chair Jan L. Wouters, Esq
NESA Committee Kevin Leahy
NESA Committee Michael Winchell
NESA Committee Anthony Buccigrossi
NESA Committee James Phillips
NESA Committee Matthew Kaufman


"Gathering of Eagles" Recognition Dinner

All of Monmouth Council Eagle Scouts, who earned their award last year, are invited, along with their parents and Scoutmasters to this fabulous evening which is held on an annual basis.

The NESA Chapter is developing a database of potential Career Mentor/Sponsors. This will allow us to easily match any Eagle Scout that may attend this year, or any future dinner, with a Career Mentor/Sponsor in a field he is interested in. While we cannot guarantee a match for the upcoming dinner; if a potential match arises we will contact you first to make sure you available. If agreeable, we will then provide you and the Scout with each other’s contact information. Eagle Scouts, non-Eagle Scouts, and women are encouraged to volunteer as a Career Mentor/Sponsor.

The responsibilities of the career mentor/sponsor are as follows:

  1. Contact the Eagle Scout and try to arrange a date, hopefully prior to or the day of the dinner, to discuss education & career opportunities in the mentor’s field. This date may also involve a tour of the workplace or facility (remember that Youth Protection rules are in effect, and there is no one-on-one contact with any of the Scouts).
  2. Attend the dinner if possible, cost is $45 per person, and seated at the Scout’s table with his parent(s).


Check out the new BSA Alumni Square Knot!