North Star Award

The National Court of Honor introduces a new award to join the prestigious Silver Beaver, Silver Antelope, and Silver Buffalo awards. This award is for non-Scouters. Councils, areas, regions, and national may use this new award to recognize individuals for significant contributions such as contributing land for a new service center or for the CPA who has served the council for years or for use at a Distinguished Citizen Awards program.

This award is on par with the Silver Beaver which recognizes registered Scouters for their distinguished service. An individual who was previously registered with the BSA but is currently not registered is eligible to receive this award. However, any contributions made as a registered Scouter cannot and must not be considered. Only those contributions made as a non-Scouter may be considered for the North Star Award

Award Year Recipient Name
North Star 2016 John Richard
North Star 2018 Robert Rechnitz
North Star 2019 Philip Scaduto
North Star 2020 Salvatore Alfieri, Esq.
North Star 2021 Hon. Joseph Kyrillos