NYLT Eligibility

In order to attend the NYLT course, a youth must have the following qualifications by the beginning of the course:

  • Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit.
  • Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C.
  • Must be at least 13 years old and completed the 8th grader by the first day of the course.
  • They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops or Crews or Ships (as appropriate for their Scouting program).
  • Scouts registered in Scouts BSA are required to earn the First Class rank before attending NYLT.
  • It is highly recommended that participants have completed at least one full week of camping experience—e.g. summer camp. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.
  • Received and submitted a unit leader recommendation form at the time of registration.