OA Fall Service Weekend
Congratulations on your election as a candidate for the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society! Our Order recognizes campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.
If you were elected by the members of your unit but that have not been fully admitted, you are considered a Candidate. As a candidate, you would need to attend one of the Induction Weekends in the year you were elected to become a member of our lodge.
If you already have your OA Sash, you are a Member. We would encourage all of our members to come back out and help us induct new members into our lodge.
When is the Fall Service Weekend?
- Fall Service & New Member Induction WEEKEND (at Quail Hill)
Advance Registration is Required
- Event Member Fees: This fee includes your lodging, food, Brotherhood Sash (as appropriate) and event patch.
- Candidate Fees: This fee includes your lodging, food, new member sash, new member handbook, and event patch.
- Late Arrivals and Early Departures are NOT permitted for OA Candidates.
- Candidates should arrived between 7PM and 9PM on Friday Night. The Induction process starts shortly after 9pm Friday night.
What Do I Need to Bring as an OA Candidate?
- Bring a COPY of your BSA Medical Form (Parts A & B) to the event. Any copies left behind will be shredded by the event's medical officer.
- For the rest of the gear needed, please follow these instructions that may have been given to you at your Unit's Election Ceremony or from your unit leader.
Parents: If you would want to help volunteer your time at FSR for the weekend as our guests instead of driving home, please reach out to the Lodge Adviser to discuss. Current YPT training will be required and you will not see your Scout until Saturday night at the event.
How Do I register as a Candidate or as a Lodge Member
- Click the RED button below to log into your Tentaroo Account.
- Please choose Candidate or Member as participant type.
- Remember to bring a copy of your Medical Form (parts A/B) to the event
We will be following all CDC and local guidelines to ensure everyone's safety at our event. Any questions about the check-in process or protocols can be directed towards the Lodge Adviser
Event Pricing
- On-Time Member Price: $25
- On-Time Candidate Price: $45
- Registration deadlines published online in Event Registration
Fall Service Weekend 2025 September 19, 2025 to September 21
Register Today
Fall Service Weekend 2026 September 18, 2026 to September 20