Program-Specific Merit Awards
This page is for multiple program-specific awards. Each recipient is conferred by the Key 3 or other Key Leadership of the associated program. Please see the individual award application for further clarifications or details.
Venturing Leadership Award
In order to recognize Venturers and Venturing Advisors who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law, the Monmouth Council VOA may present individuals with the Venturing Leadership Award.
For inquiries about the Territory or National VLA, please contact the Council VLA.
William H. Spurgeon III Award for Exploring
The William H. Spurgeon, III Award is the highest recognition for individuals and organizations contributing significant leadership to the Exploring Program.
The William H. Spurgeon, III Award was developed in 1971 in honor of the man who is regarded as the major leader in the development of special interest Exploring. Mr. Spurgeon was a business executive at the Irvine Company in Southern California who personally organized many special interest posts in the 1960's. Mr. Spurgeon served for many years as a member of the National Council Executive Board and national Exploring Committee. His pioneering efforts led to the present contemporary Exploring Program. He devoted much of the late 1960's to promoting Exploring and is particularly remembered as a dynamic speaker for Exploring Impact Plan luncheons across America. Mr. Spurgeon passed away in 1970.
Learning for Life Leadership Award
The Learning for Life Leadership Award is a distinguished award for Explorers, high school Learning for Life program participants, and adult volunteer leaders who have given exceptional leadership in Exploring or Learning for Life programs. The Leadership Award is available annually to all Explorer posts and Learning for Life high school groups
President's Volunteer Service Award
In recognition of these outstanding achievements, Learning for Life is proud to announce the availability of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. Established in 2003, this Award is given by the President of the United States and honors individuals, families and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service over the course of 12 months.
Exploring Proficiency Award
Law Enforcement and Fire & EMS Explorers can earn recognition for showing competencies in up to 14 different areas. This is an opportunity for Explorers to earn awards that acknowledge their Exploring training, skills, leadership, service, accomplishments and experiences. Explorers will be recognized with a commendation bar designed to be worn on a Law Enforcement or Fire & EMS Explorer’s uniform in accordance with his or her unit’s uniform regulations. Commendation bars and certificates can be ordered through your local Exploring office.