BALOO Training
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is intended to provide Pack Leaders with the skills to take their Packs on an overnight. BALOO is offered in the Spring and Fall each year.
Have you heard this before! Every Scout Desires a Trained leader! Most everyone has heard this during their scouting venture; Trained Leaders help and enhance the Scouting Program! BALOO is to help and enhance the CUB SCOUTS outdoor program for the youth and including their families’ experience. Remember, the OUTING in SCOUTING is for everyone to see more exciting things that the Youth can do outdoors! Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation is a training for adults in the unit to learn how to have a great, FUN, & safe outdoor experience for all involved Youth, Parents, Grandparents, Siblings. The Benefits of having a Trained Outdoor Leader is simple - to know where to camp, what equipment to bring, how to set up camp safely, what to eat, what to do once you are there and how to take on inclement weather – all while doing it safely and have fun in the process. It all starts with knowledge and planning.
Who can take BALOO? Any Adult Unit Leader or Any Unit Parent who is assigned to the position can take BALOO Training Course. To be one of the outdoor program trained people for your unit, the adult must be register with BSA, and have taken YPT. YPT Training is recommended to be taken on a yearly basis and is offered online available. For more information, contact the Course Director of the BALOO Course to discuss any details of your unit and requirements needed to have a fun and safe outdoor Program.
This outdoors classroom course is offered normally once in the Spring and once in the Fall of the year.
Upcoming Course Registration
Baloo April 26, 2025 to April 27
Register Today