Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills

Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) gives adult leaders the practical knowledge they need to help Scouts to learn outdoor skills. The skills presented closely follow the Boy Scout Handbook and rank advancement requirements. This is a required training course for all Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.

This Outdoor course is normally offered in the Spring and Fall of each year.

Course Flyers


Suggested Equipment List

Below is the suggested equipment list for your Outdoor Learning Expierence. Please arrive in your Scout Uniform.

Scout uniform
Clothing For Weather
Rain Gear
Personal First Aid Kit
Matches and fire starters
Pocket knife
Two-man tent
Sleeping bag
Sleeping Pad**
Ground cloth
Scouts BSA Handbook
Notebook, pen/pencil
Plate with utensils
Personal Camping Items


Upcoming Course Registration